Platonia is the name given to a hypothetic entity of a timeless realm containing every possible "Now" or momentary configuration of the universe. This theory illustrates just one of the many complex paradoxes in the understanding of the notion of time. I am interested in the conceptual conundrums of time travel and the absurd nature of theoretical physics as well as the psychological motivations that drive those who study in these fields.
Working concurrently in the media of painting and installation, my most recent body of work, “Platonia: The Chaotic Grandma Theory…” is concerned with the translation of affectual sensations, absurd yet relatable ideas, and emotional states through appropriated and hand-altered material references. I pile objects and imageries together to establish a psychological charge, which allows the interpretation of things to be taken beyond the surface description and into a reflective space that urges question. I strive to create an experience in which material residues suggest narratives and offer clues to an obscured history. Employing images and objects as metaphors for present states of being; I am able to speak about interests, such as the unreliability of memory, time, nostalgic longing, and the psychology of the uncanny. While examining these ideas, I acquire the role of disturbed archivist, mad scientist, and lost daughter searching for a time that feels like home.
“ My quest from then on was to prepare myself so that one day I could design a machine that would take me back in time to May 22, 1955. I wanted to see my father again.”
- Ronald Mallett, (physicist) The Time Traveler
Abstract: “The curtain of the universe is rent and shattered, The splendor-winged worlds disperse like butterflies scattered.”
- Percy Shelley, 1821.
It comes from inside the Earth. It has always been there. The ancients knew. A limited few know right now. It runs through channels deep underground. It surfaces at six points found within the hexagonal geometric pattern on which the earth’s natural energy grid is based. Many of the oldest sacred sites lay at the center of the six points. In one such location a special mutation of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) grows. These certain potatoes absorb the substance with no major variance in appearance, when compared to non-affected potatoes. The difference can only be found when closely observing the hue of the center of the medium-sized sympetalous flowers that the potatoes produce. The chemical reaction creates an iridescent mirrored surface in the center of the flower. Additional evidence of an affected potato can be discerned only through tasting a portion of the tuberous root. It is said be extremely bitter and possess addictive qualities similar to that of the coca plant. Although cases of human ingestion are limited, as one must eat a large portion of either the flower or the bitter root in order to note the effect of the substance, there are a few well-documented occurrences of individuals suffering from a form of rare spatial time-related illness after such unintentional and unguided consumption.
Humans have additionally come into contact with the substance through interaction by means of butterflies. In these cases, butterflies have acquired the substance through pollination of the flowered sweet potato. These carrier butterflies must then come into contact with the skin of an individual causing transmission into the human bloodstream. Incident of humans seeking out these butterflies is documented. The substance is typically extracted by tedious removal of the substance, now in a powered form, from the plate-like setae (hairs) found in-between the two chitonous layers of the wing. Subsequently, the powered form of the substance is introduced into the bloodstream by snorting through the nasal cavity. These occurrences have led to brief yet intense spatial time-related illness and astral projections into the light sphere, often documented as psychedelic hallucinations or schizophrenia. Also known as “global causality violations.”
It has been established that use of the substance must be guided. The substance itself and all aspects of administration should be mechanically and chemically adjusted to procure desired effects without loss of life or mental self. Efforts to guide this experimentation have been fraught with disaster and encumbered by secrecy. While the substance works as a natural propellant into the multiverse, it is useless without proper direction.
In recent trials it has been used for, 1.) Incitement of astral time travel in which the human body remains unaffected. 2.) Alteration of antimatter in the space-time continuum in order to run message backwards through time to former selves or other persons. 3.) Achieving full bodily and light realm travel to other times, past and future, with full and safe return to present timespace and universe.
Major considerations:
The Grandfather Paradox: Can one who has traveled to the past kill their own grandfather?
The Self-Visitation/Double-Occupancy Paradox: What is to be done with multiple selves? Can one time travel backwards in time without colliding into the self?
The Nowhere Argument (Platonia): If only the present moment exists, how could we travel to the past or future? In Platonia, it is impossible to discern one moment from another.